Using Subdomain Proxies with BrowserSync in Laravel Mix

Kevin Kirchner
Mar 18, 2021


UPDATE - As of Laravel 8.40, this setup doesn’t seem to be working… I haven’t figured out why yet… Stay tuned.

Code First




const mix = require('laravel-mix');
const proxy = process.env.MIX_PROXY_URL;
// ... your mix setupif (proxy) {
proxy: {
target: proxy,
proxyReq: [
function (proxyReq, req, res) {
let [subdomain] = req.client.servername.split('.');
if (subdomain !== 'localhost') {
proxyReq.setHeader('X-Forwarded-Host', `${subdomain}.${process.env.MIX_SITE_URL}`);

Explanation Second

Before each request, browser sync checks if there’s a subdomain. If there is, then it sets the header responsible for proxy requests, X-Forwarded-Host, using two .env properties.



Kevin Kirchner
Kevin Kirchner

Written by Kevin Kirchner

Creating new revenue streams in 30 days or less with custom web apps at

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